Introducing 4 axis stepper controller module SCE2

Post stamp-sized 4 axis stepper motor controller system on module SCE2-M is designed to save space and speed up motion controller integration time for custom products. When paired with industry-standard open-source motion controller firmware it can be controller by g-code and drive whole small CNC machine without external components. SCE2 is second Kurokesu motion module and stands for Stepper Controller (Model E, mk2)
- Motor count: 4 (linear interpolation and ramp support)
- Motor type: Bipolar stepper
- Vin: 4.5-11V
- Max current per motor: 1.2A (driver current can be adjusted individually in software)
- GPIO count: 15 (In/Out/PWM/ADC/…)
- Software: GRBL
- Module dimensions [mm]: 17.5*27.5
- Motor driver: TMC2300
- Controller: STM32F103