Double checking and quality control is always a good thing. So few days ago I visited friendly optics lab to inspect if my new batch of filters match expectations. They have this awesome Lambda 1050 spectrophotometer. Slow, clunky, but still it is a top of the shelf precision instrument. New filters will be used in […]
Read MoreAll metal C930e webcam
I had Logitech C930e webcam laying in my drawer for a while waiting for a better fate. So today finally fitted it into aluminium C920 enclosure to be used with CS lenses. Actually it did not took much, had to remove some material on my trusty Proxxon MF 70 mini mill, everything else fitted like […]
Read MoreNew Raspberry Pi enclosure
This is short announcement about changed Raspberry Pi enclosure revision. Revision was changed from revC to revF. Now it is slimmer, more secure and redesigned for Raspberry Pi 3 in mind while maintaining compatibility with previous versions. Also note few missing revisions – these were custom made ones I can’t publish. What’s the difference? […]
Read MoreMicroscope lens for SMD inspection
Every proud DSLR owner knows that no universal lens is good enough. While there are tons of lens reviews out there for larger cameras, smaller cameras are mostly left outside. Today I will be reviewing microscope lens. Will be using my own camera C1. Overview Lens is manufactured in China and sold various places. Also […]
Read MoreEngineering samples of motorized zoom lens controller
Today finally assembled few zoom lens controllers to be evaluated by early testers. Had to build test jig to flash bootloader. Boards will be shipped with latest firmware loaded. But new features are being developed and you should update with recent firmware before use. Therefore any feedback is highly appreciated. While forum on kurokesu web […]
Read MoreFlashing zoom lens controller
In volume production time is everything. Every second counts. That’s why industry has invented test jigs. My test fixture is dead simple but does what it is designed to do. Place an assembled PCB, close toggle clamp and run flash script on a computer. ~20 seconds later board comes out with flashed Arduino bootloader firmware. […]
Read MoreBrief open-sourced motorized zoom lens introduction
While working on some computer vision projects I have been missing feature to control zoom / focus remotely. And I am not the one with problem like this. So introducing motorized zoom/focus lens with USB controller. While lens is manufactured by third party vendor, I had to make compact USB controller by myself. Software is […]
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